Sunday, October 7, 2012

Youtube... Here We GOOOO!

So THE DAY finally arrived: now you guys can subscribe my Youtube channel!!
During the recording, I've had loads of technical hitches that almost made me lose my temper. However, here's the video... It's not even close to what I wanted, but I hope to improve the quality of my videos soon.

At first, I thought of making all my videos in English, or even of making another Youtube channel in English. But I have enough with two blogs (my main blog in Spanish, and this one). However, if you guys are interested on seeing some of my videos in English, please let me know. 

Probably most of you guys already know this project (I did it here), but it was important to me to start off this Youtube adventure with one of my favorite DIYs. 

As always, I hope you guys like it! I'm looking forward to hear feedback from you guys, I need your sincere opinions to improve my work. Also, If you guys could subscribe the channel that would help me a lot.

Thank you so much for your support!!


UPDATE: I just put subtitles in English. You just have to activate them by clicking on the subtitle icon bellow ;)